Chocolate - caramel - vanilla cheesecake

Turiu nemažą silpnybę sūrio pyragams. Nesunkiai gaminami, o be proto skanūs, deja, kartu ir labai nuodėmingi. Mano nuomone, pasilepinti yra tik į naudą, gal ne kūnui, bet sielai tai tikrai :) Trumpa akimirka su gabaliuku namie kepto pyrago, šilta mėtų arbata ir nuoširdžiu pokalbiu - vienas iš gyvenimo malonumų. Šį margą sūrio pyragą kepiau mamos jubiliejaus proga. Galiu drąsiai pasakyti, kad skonio atžvilgiu pavyko labai gerai. Mano didieji kritikai puikiai įvertino ir davė leidimą kepti antrą kartą. Ir sakė kuo greičiau :)
Recepčiuką aptikau viename bloge Citrinos žievelė Deja, nepavyko atkartoti tokio gražaus sluoksniavimo, nes nusprendžiau, kad neturiu kantrybės terliotis čia. Poto prisiekiau sau, kad kitą kartą kepant trūks plyš pasistengsiu ir padarysiu taip, kaip turi būti - gražiai :)
I have a little weakness when it comes to cheesecakes. Easily done, perfect taste, unfortunately abit sinful. In my opinion, treating yourself is always a good idea, well not for the body, but for the soul for sure :) Short moment with the piece of homemade cake, warm mint tea and honest chat is one of the life's pleasures. I baked this cake for my mother's anniversary. I can proudly say that the taste of it was just perfect. My biggest critics evaluated very well and I got a permision to bake for second time. And as soon as possible :)
I found this recipe in one lithuanian blog Citrinos žievelė  Unfortunately, I didn't succeed in making all the layers, because I didn't have enough patience to do that. But later I promised myself the next time I bake, I will do everything just the way it has to be done - perfectly :)

With love,


Birthday card

Last Saturday I celebrated my very good friend's 25th birthday. Woohoo!! For me the 25th birthday brought a lot of happiness and a lot of things changed. Now I really know that when one door closes, another opens and especially unexpected :) So I made a birthday card for my dear friend. I really like to gift my made cards to friends and family members. The idea, that I am doing something nice to people who I care a lot, makes me happy. And if I can see that they like it, oooooh twice happier :) It's all about the happiness, right?!!
