LT Ar aš minėjau, kaip myliu šį oversized paltą??? Manau, kad taip, jei atsibodau, nepykit, bet man jis taip patinka ir su juo taip šilta, kad net nesinori nusivilkti. Taip patinka, kad galėčiau namie sėdėti įsimuturiavusi į jį ir būti sau labai graži ir stilinga :)) Na gerai neperlekim lazdos ir likim prie gatvinio varianto. Šios nuotraukos darytos šiek tiek seniau, kai dar būta lapų ant medžių, bet jau šaltukas spaudė. Nepaisant kad ir kokios didelės meilės šiam žieminiam paltui, aš jau su mielu noru pasveikinčiau pavasarį, bet atrodo, kad dar reikės šiek tiek luktelti.
EN Have I already mentioned how much I love this oversized coat??? I guess yes, excuse me if this makes you bored, but I really like this coat and I feel so warm in it that I don't even want to take it off. If I could, I would stay all bundled up in it at home, all beautiful and stylish for myself :)) Okay, maybe it would be a bit weird thing to do though, so I will stick with using it for the street style, not home. Anyway, these photos were taken some time ago when there were still some leafs on the trees, but the winter chill was approaching. Despite my endless love for this winter coat, I would really welcome spring with my open arms, but it looks like we will need to wait a little longer.