My New Beauty Favourites

new in beauty/real techniques sponge/best highlighter
Happy December everyone! I am very excited about the upcoming festivities. We decorated our Christmas tree this weekend while listening to Michael Bublé Christmas album (cliché) and we have already put some presents underneath. I also put few Christmas decorations in all rooms, so we feel really festive right now and I couldn't be happier. For this occasion (getting festive occasion :)) I also decided to treat myself with two new beauty things that I've been wanting to try for a long time now. 


Sveikinu visus su atėjusiu gruodžio mėnesiu. Aš labai džiaugiuosi artėjančiomis šventėmis ir laukiu nesulaukiu jų. O kad pilnai įsijaustume į šventinį laukimą, tai šį savaitgalį pasipuošėme eglutę, žinoma, besiklausant Michael Bublé Kalėdinio albumo (klišių klišė) ir netgi pastūmėmė keletą dovanėlių po eglute. Šiek tiek padekoravau ir visus likusius kambarius, tad mes jau esame visiškai šventiškai nusiteikę, kuo labai labai džiaugiuosi. Ta proga (tiesiog švenčių laukimo proga :)) nusprendžiau pasidovanoti dvi dovanėles, kurių jau norėjau kuris laikas. Apie ką aš čia kalbu, skaitykite žemiau.

Mary Lou highlighter review
THE BALM MARY-LOU MANIZER highlighter. I have to  make a tiny confession here.  It's my very first highlighter, can you imagine??  A little bit shocking, right? Who doesn't have a highlighter? I guess I was one of the few ones. Anyways,  I've been meaning to buy a highlighter for some time, but I've been hesitating between few different brands and as I found the highlighter a product that you will use for a long time, I took it seriously to choose the right one. Finally I went for a popular Mary Lou highlighter and oh boy, I did the right choice! It's my new addiction, I apply it every day and I am loving it. If you have any other favorite highlighters, I would love to hear it, because I am thinking about getting a second one soon :))

real techniques sponge review/lifestyle blog
THE REAL TECHNIQUES sponge. I am very late to this sponge train, but most of the time I was using the brush to apply my foundation or sometimes I would blend it simply with my fingers. The thing is that lately I've been struggling to get a flawless result, so for this reason I decided to try a sponge from the Real Techniques, which also had 20% discount, so I found it a good moment to try. Oh my god, where have I been all this time??  After using few times I fell in love with this magical orange sponge. It's very easy to use and the most important thing is that this sponge gives you a flawless and natural look. No kidding. I haven't tried the original Beauty Blender to compare them, but apparently the latter works even better. Anyway, I am really happy that I changed my foundation brush to this sponge from Real Techniques.

So here they are my two new beauty addictions. I should have bought them way sooner. Only if I knew how great they were.  

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