
 Kalėdos!!!! Mano mintyse, mano širdyje, mano namuose. Kadangi šiandien gruodžio 1-oji, tai pagaliau galiu oficialiai paskelbti Kalėdų sezoną atidarytą!!! Iš tiesų, gal pasirodysiu keistoka, bet pradedu galvoti apie Kalėdas jau nuo rugsėjo mėnesio, hehe :) žinoma, ant langų nekabinėju mirksinčių lempučių, kalėdinės eglutes nekertu, ant mašinos atlošo nededu raudonos kepurės (jei ką pastarųjų ir šiaip nedarau :)) ir viešai neskelbiu "Monika laukia Kalėdų", nes kad ir kokie mano draugai supratingi ir žino mano begalinį džiaugsmą dėl švenčių, vis vien pagalvotų, kad man susimaišė mėnesiai, o kartu ir protelis :) Tačiau yra vienas žmogutis, kuris lygiai taip pat pakvaišęs dėl Kalėdų, tai mano sesė. Drįsčiau teigti, kad ji dar anksčiau pradeda sukti mintis apie žiemos šventes. Taip taip, tikra tiesa. Tokios jau mes :) Svarbiausia geros emocijos, kažko laukimas, galvojimas apie tau svarbiausius žmones, žinojimas, kad jie bus nustebinti ir laimingi. Tad šiandien nusprendžiau pasidalinti dainomis, kurios mane nuteikia labai maloniai. Tikiuosi, kad Jūs taip esat pakilios nuotaikos, kupini šiltų jausmų mąstant apie gražiausias metų šventes!!! Nebijokit pasidalinti ir savo dainomis! ;))

Su meile,

Sufjan Stevens, "Lumberjack Christmas / No One Can Save You From Christmases Past

Michael Buble "White Christmas" (rekomenduoju visą jo albumą "Christmas")

Ricky Martin "Ay ay ay it's Christmas" (woohoo let's party :) 
Hank Williams "Baby we're really in love"

 Roy Orbison "Only the lonely"

Danny Leggett "Walking in a winter wonderland"

Katie Melua "A happy place"

Romeo Santos feat Usher "Promise"

 Karma "Kitaip"

Lord Huron "Tiny desk concert' (in loooove so much with this!!!) 

Christmas!!! In my mind, heart and home. Today is the 1st of December, so I officialy announce Christmas season open!!! Indeed, I might look abit weird, because I start thinking about Christmas since September, hehe :) Of course I don't put blinking lights everywhere, don't cut Christmas tree and don't put the red hat on the car seat (indeed I don't do any of these ever :)) and I don't declare out loud "Monika is waiting for Christmas", because no matter how understanding my friends are and know my huge happiness about this celebration,  they would still think that I got abit insane :)) But there is one person, who I could say gets overwhelmed very early by Christmas, is my sister. Yep, so true. Crazy we :) The most important things are good emotions, thinking about beloved people, knowing that they will be surprised and happy. Today I decided to share some songs that put me in a very good mood. I hope you are all full of warm feelings, kindness while waiting for the most beautiful holidays of the year!!! Feel free to share your songs!! ;))

With love,

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  1. you should put more colour on your blog. It will be my pleasure to help you.Have a nice day!!! Big fan!!

  2. You should apply my advises instead of thanking me ;)

  3. Then, you will reach the highest quality!! Seriously, I follow your blog as much as I can. I like it very much!! Beautiful pictures, nice comments, and as far as it looks, you seem funny!
    I will put a link of a Christmas song if you allow me...

    1. Nice to hear that!! ;) waiting for the songs :)

  4. Have a really lovely and warm (in your heart :-) ) December month, Monika :-)
    I think that your blog layout is stylish, reflecting the personality of the writer. Colors are always good but I like them as an accessory element in the interior design and your blog is some kind of a 'room'.
    So keep up the good work. :-)


    1. Thank you, Kristina!!!!! It's always nice to hear good words!! :)
