My Summer Holiday Essentials

EN   Hello there! As I just came back from my holidays, I though it would fun to share my summer vacation essentials. This time I traveled only with my cabin bag, so I took everything as possible in the mini sizes. Without further ado, let's dig in!


LT  Sveiki gyvi! Aš tik neseniai grįžau iš atostogų ir ta proga pamaniau, kad būtų visai smagu pasidalinti su jumis mano svarbiausiais dalykėliais, kuriuos pasiėmiau šioms vasaros atostogoms. Tad nieko nelaukiant, žiūrim!

The most important thing for my summer vacation is my swimming suit. Mine is from ETAM from the collection few years ago. I don't change nor I buy a new swim suit every season. I like this one a lot, it's still in good condition and so far I am happy with having two swim suits in total (boooo, so not blogger :)) 

Nails have to be painted for holidays! That's a thing. I always always paint them with a bright color and this time I chose orange nail polish from Monop' make up (which I won on the instagram, even better :))

I realised that you can get a nice tan too when using SPF. When I was a teenager, I didn't understand the importance, but luckily now I am smart enough to take my skin seriously, so I packed also suncream SPF 30 and a lotion after sun from Rituals. I like the texture, the scent and it doesn't give me allergic breakouts (yay)!

I always take fragrance with me, but when it's very hot, I don't like that much to use perfume. I tend to take eau de toilette, so for this trip I took my little bottle from Yves Rocher that has cherry smell. Fresh and light!

For lips I took the smallest packaging of lip gloss from LUSH and it's called The Kiss. Light pink, a little bit of shimmer, easy to wear and you don't need to be precise when applying it.

As I thought I would be spending a lot of time in the sun and in the sea and my skin could get dry, so I packed a travel size L'Occitane Ultra Rich lotion. It was enough for one week. This product is amazing, can't say anything bad. Oh well, maybe the price could be lower :))

I am also super excited about my new book that I took with me. It's "The woman I wanted to be" by Diane von Furstenberg. When I got this book, I fell in love with the cover right away and now I am in love with this book in general. It's such a pleasant read.

The rest of my packed things were really simple like: comfortable sandals, cool sunglasses, of course Ipod (I always take it with me), few simple pieces of accessories (a girl still need to look good) and my few favorite dresses like the one in the first photo and some other bits, you know, super regular stuff.

I hope you liked this post and see you soon!!!!

Grey // White

EN   Well hello everyone! I hope you're all doing great and ready to enjoy the last month of summer. Oooh gosh, time flies like I don't know what. I will take the most from August for sure as I am having two weeks of holiday. So tomorrow I am leaving to the South of France to have some fun by the Mediterranean sea. It's my first time going there and I'm super excited to experience the warmth and beautiful scenery. Then, a week after this trip I will be going to Lithuania. Woohoo! Couldn't be better!

Last Saturday we drove to France, to a small village where was a hot air balloon festival and there were hundreds of balloons taking off at the same time. It was magnificent! It wasn't the best idea to wear a white skirt to this event as we sat on the grass. It was my first time attending this festival so I didn't know what to expect (a bit naive) and before it we had a nice walk in the city and at the end I was too tired to change, so I decided to go like this. It's a simple outfit, but few details like chained handbag, few golden accessories, statement necklace take it to another level.

I wish you all beautiful weekend! I am looking forward to take a lot of photos in the South of France and share them with you. Of course the easiest way to follow my bit and bobs is through my Instagram. Talk to you soon!


LT   Sveiki gyvi visi! Tikiuosi, kad gerai laikotės ir esat pasiruošę pasidžiaugti paskutiniuoju vasaros mėnesiu. Vargeli, tas laikas lekia kaip nežinau kas... Vienaip ar kitaip, aš tai pasimėgausiu rugpjūčiu kaip reikiant, nes turiu dvi savaites atostogų. Iiiiir jau rytoj keliauju į Pietų Prancūziją pagaudyti saulės, pasipliuškenti Viduržemio jūroje ir, esu įsitikinusi, pasvaigti nuo įspūdingo grožio vaizdų. Tai mano pirmas kartas Pietų Prancūzijoje, tad laukiu su nekantrumu šios kelionės. Na, o po šių atostogų ir šiek tiek padirbėjus, bus metas keliauti savaitėlei į Lietuvėlę. Kaip smaaaaagu!!! 

Praėjusį šeštadienį važiavome į Prancūziją, į mažiuką miestelį, kur vyko oro balionų šventė ir šimtai jų kilo į dangų vienu metu. Turiu pripažinti, kad vaizdas buvo stebuklingas. Tiek spalvų, tiek įvairių formų ir tiek daug entuziastų seniai mačiau vienoje vietoje. Žinoma, vilkėti baltą sijonėlį tokiame renginyje nebuvo pati protingiausia mintis, nes kai neturi pleduko, tai sėdies ant žolės. O žalia žolė ir baltas sijonas...hmm na nelabai draugauja. Tačiau neteiskit iškart, turiu pasiaiškinimą. Kadangi pirmą kartą vykau į tokį renginį, tai nelabai žinojau, ko tikėtis (naivoka, sutinku), o jei rimtai, tai prieš vaikštinėjom po miestą ir poto jau tingėjau persirenginėti, tad taip sau visa graži išsiruošiau į šventę laukuose :) Iš tiesų, tai paprastutis derinukas, tačiau rankinukas su grandinėle, keletas auksinių aksesuarų ir statement pakabutis jį nukelia į rimtesnį lygį.

Tai tiek šiam kartui, linkiu gražaus savaitgalio jums! O aš nekantrauju greičiau keliauti, daug daug fotografuoti ir poto pasidalinti visu grožiu su jumis. Kad nepamirštumėt manęs ir šiaip visokių daikčiukų pažiūrėjimui, galite mane sekti Instagram'e! Iki greito!

Lemon Bars

Lemon bars
EN   I can never say no to a good lemon cake and I'm always in search of that perfect soft lemony texture. And I think I might have found it. I've already made few lemon cakes, but only this recipe is worth sharing on the blog, because it has everything what you expect from bars. They are soft, sweet, you can feel lemon very well and to top it off, very easy to make and of course way too easy to eat, because they are cut in cute small squares. Trust me, your hand will be reaching like: oh one more, okay one more again and then that's it....oooookay maybe the last one and voilà, you will see the tray is empty :)


LT   Aš niekuomet negaliu atsisakyti gabalėlio gero citrininio pyrago, todėl esu pastovioje to minkštučio citrininio gabalėlio paieškoje. Manau, kad būsiu jį atradusi. Esu gaminusi keletą citrininių pyragų, tačiau tik šiandienis receptas yra vertas atsidurti mano bloge, nes jis pasižymi viskuo, ko tikimės iš citrininio pyrago kvadračiukų. Minkštas, purus, saldus ir tas nuostabus citrininis skonis tirpstantis burnoje - štai toks turi būti tas gabaliukas. O dar kas smagiau, tai kad šį citrininį pyragą labai lengva pagaminti, kaip viens du trys, na blogesnė dalis yra ta, kad jis taip ir išnyksta viens du trys iš lėkštelės. Patikėkit manim, jūsų ranka sieks vieno gabalėlio, na poto dar vieno, tuomet prabils sąžinė aj gana, tuomet nustumsit ją į šoną ir sieksit dar vieno gabalėlio, kol galiausiai, oplia, nebėra daugiau :))

Lemon bars
LEMON BARS  from the Mel's kitchen cafe

Lemon batter
142 g all purpose flour
155 g sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon lemon zest
8 tablespoons butter, melted and cooled
2 large eggs
1 large egg yolk
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Lemon glaze
75 g powdered sugar
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon lemon zest

- Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Line an 20x20 cm baking pan with a baking paper so that it hangs over two of the edges (to lift out bars later).

- In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, salt, baking powder and lemon zest.

- In a separate bowl, whisk together the butter, eggs, egg yolk, lemon juice and vanilla extract.

- Stir the wet ingredients into the flour mixture and mix until combined.

- Spread the batter evenly in the prepared pan.

- Bake for 18-20 minutes until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Don't over bake, because they might be dry. After removing form the oven, let it cool down completely.

- For the glaze, whisk together the powdered sugar, lemon juice and lemon zest until smooth and combined.

- Drizzle the glaze over the top of the cake and spread it evenly with a knife or spatula (whatever works the best for you).

- Place the bars in the fridge for 1-2 hours. After that you can cut it into small squares and enjoy with a cup of tea or coffee! They can be served chilled or at room temperature.

P.S. I made a double glaze portion, because one portion seemed not enough for me and of course, I didn't have 20x20 cm pan, so I used a rectangular one, worked well, just lemon bars turned out lower.

Lemon bars