Weekend's Uniform

EN   There are days when you don't feel like talking. So here I am in my not willing to talk day. Well it happens, and it's fine, I don't force myself. Sometimes silence is better than hundreds unnecessary words. We don't need to talk, but we can look, so I will leave you with few photos of my casual weekend look. Enjoy yours!!

LUSH Christmas Collection

Lush Christmas collection

EN   Last Tuesday I got an opportunity to attend the Lush Winter's collection presentation. And oh boy, I must say that they have an amazing Winter collection over there. Like seriously. So much glitter, snow dusts and magic sticks going on. As always presentation was accompanied by finger food, coffee and tea, Christmas playlist, great blogger company and all the nice Lush employees. I was lucky to take home to try some of their new products, so I wanted to show them to you too, in case you are hesitating to buy or not. The selection of new products is so big that I am sure you will find something for your friend, sister, mother as a gift or even for yourself as a little pre-Christmas treat for surviving a difficult week. A little self spoiling thing never hurts, I know that you know this already, right girls? ;)


LT  Praėjusį antradienį turėjau galimybę sudalyvauti LUSH naujos žiemos kolekcijos pristatyme. Ir o vaikyti, kokių gėrių ten galima rasti. Širdis gali apleipti nuo tiek blizgučių, sniego dulkių ir įvairiausių stebuklo lazdelių. Kaip visuomet pristatymas buvo gražiai suorganizuotas su lengvais vieno kąsnio pyragėliais, kava ir arbata. Šauni blogerių kompanija, malonūs Lush parduotuvės darbuotojai bei Kalėdinių dainų grojaraštis sukūrė jaukią šventinę atmosferą. Labai džiaugiuosi gavusi keletą naujų produktų išbandymui, tad pamaniau, kad būtų šaunu pasidalinti naujienomis su jumis, jei dar dvejojate, ar verta kažką iš Lush pirkti ar ne. Žiemos kolekcijos pasirinkimas yra toks didelis, kad tikrai rasite šaunią dovaną savo draugei, sesei ar mamai. Arba kažką mielo sau už praėjusią sunkią savaitę ar šiaip savo motyvacijai pakelti. Mes, merginos, puikiai suprantame, kad kas geriau save palepins, jei ne pačios ;)

Lush Christmas collection

Let's start with a SANTA'S BELLY shower jelly. It's so slippery, which it makes complicated for me to use, I really need to gather my patience for this shower gel, but the scent is amazing and inside it has beautiful little stars. Very Christmas'y. The next is the FAIRY DUST dusting powder. It's well perfumed and quite strong scent, which I adore. For me the stronger the better :) You need to apply the dust on your skin, massage it and your skin will be covered in tiny sparkles.

Lush Santa's Baby lip tint

Then we have a lip tint SANTA'S BABY. It's a really strong sexy red color. At first, I imagined it would be like a lip balm with a little bit of color, but hey no, this lip tint is like a serious red lipstick. I am not very used to wear this kind of bold and bright colors, but I will try to put it in a use somehow. The consistency is quite firm and it's very pigmented, so you will need a mirror for applying it on your lips if you want to do it right. It's definitely not the lip tint that you would apply like a simple tinted lip balm while driving a car. It has shea butter, so it's hydrating. There is also carrot oil to soften and moisturize lips. Plus, it really stays well on the lips. Maybe even too well, because at the end it's quite difficult and messy to remove.

Lush Christmas bath bombs

Bath bombs. So many shapes. So many scents. Simply beautiful collection. Let me introduce you to few of them. YOG NOG (the round one) bath bomb contains clove bud oil, shea butter and ylang ylang. BUTTERBEAR (white bear) has cacao butter and powder, ylang ylang in it that will make your skin soft. Bubble bar SANTA (cute little red Santa) is rich with cocoa butter and shea butter, and will color your bath in a light rosy color. Sparkling FIVE GOLD RINGS (below on the left) look like gingerbread and are full of vanilla, skin softening illipe butter and moringa oil. 

Lush Christmas bubble bars
THE MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS is my favorite bubble bar from this collection. When I hold it, I feel like a real fairy. It has a lot of glitter. While taking a photo for this post, everything around, including my hands and camera was covered in glitter. That's how glittery it is. Cinnamon stick, cinnamon leaf and almonds will make your bath spicy and warm.

Lush Christmas bubble bars
STARDUST has vanilla, bergamot and rosewood. It will be a perfect relaxing and boosting your mind and body bath after a Christmas party.

I told you how great is this winter's Lush collection and it's just a teeny tiny part what I showed you today. I have to admit that I find their every collection great and fun. Have you already checked LUSH Winter 2015 collection in your shop?? Do you have your favorites?? I would love to know!!

How To Style A Boyfriend Sweater

how to style a boyfriend sweater
EN   I'd reached that level. I invaded my boyfriend's closet. Literally. Only girls can understand the feeling when you think you don't have anything to wear and then the idea of checking out your boyfriend's closet pops into your head. You dig in and you find great stuff there. Of course, you don't forget to thank yourself for helping him to choose his clothes when buying or for gifting him great gifts, because at the end both sides can benefit :)) So one day it happened to me. I woke up, I didn't know what to wear, everything seemed boring, unattractive, and somehow I decided to check out what my boyfriend has good in his closet. Lucky me, I found this beautiful grey cashmere sweater. I tried it on and it was all what I needed that day. 

There are so many ways how to style boyfriend sweater. As my his sweater has a slouchy, loose fit, I decided to go for slim fit on the bottom by wearing ripped skinny jeans and my neutral boots. I layered the white blouse under the sweater just to give that relaxed, cool urban vibe. Plus, statement necklace can always take your outfit to even higher level. I loved this outfit, because I felt so good in it, warm and cool and cozy at the same time. So girls, who have boyfriends, don't forget to check what hidden germs they have in their closets!! Girls, who don't have the other half, don't worry, you can simply go to the shop and find a loose fit sweater, and here you have a perfect boyfriend sweater ;) there is always a solution! That would be all for this time. Have a great weekend!!!


LT   Na štai ir pasiekiau tą lygį, kai jau tiesiogine ta žodžio prasme įsiveržiau į savo draugo spintą. Tik merginos gali suprasti tą jausmą, kai manau, kad neturi kuo apsirengti ir atrodo pasaulis dėl to griūna ir bloga diena garantuota. Ir tuomet netikėta ir staigi mintis, kodėl gi nepasižvalgius po draugo spintą, aplanko. Gerai pasirausi ir žiūrėk kokių gėrių randi. Žinoma, nepamiršti sau padėkoti, kad puikiai atlieki savo kaip draugės pareigas padedant išsirinkti jam drabužius parduotuvėje ar tiesiog puikiai išrenkant jam dovanas, nes juk pasirodo, kad galiausiai abidvi pusės gali gauti iš to naudos (šypt). Tad vieną dieną būtent tokia situacija ištiko mane. Pabudau, nežinojau, ką apsirengti. Visi drabužiai atsibodę ir įgrisę ir tiesiog iš dangaus nukrito mintis, kad gal reikėtų pasižvalgyti draugo stalčiuose. Ir ką jūs pamanysit, ogi atradau šį gražų pilką kašmyrinį megztinį. Pasimatavau ir viskas. Tai buvo tai, ko man tetrūko tą dieną.

Yra daugybė variantų kaip derinti vadinamąjį boyfriend megztinį. Manasis, ups jo megztinis yra tokio laisvo silueto, tad nusprendžiau jį derinti su plėšytais skinny džinsais bei neutralios spalvos aulinukais. Visam derinukui norėjau suteikti tokį apsipūtusį, nerūpestingą įpūdį, tad po megztiniu apsivilkau baltus marškinėlius ir atraitojau rankoves. Pridėjus statement necklace išėjo puikus derinukas, kuris man taip patiko ir kuriame jaučiausi stilingai, laisvai ir kartu jaukiai. Tad merginos, turinčios vaikinus, nepamirškit karts nuo karto pereiti per jų spintą, nes esu įsitikinusi, kad atrasite kažką tinkamo ir jums!! Merginos, neturinčios antros pusės, nenusiminkit, ne jokia čia bėda, galit drąsiai nubėgti į parduotuvę ir paprasčiausiai pasiieškoti laisvesnio tipo megztinio, štai ir bus jums boyfriend sweater'is ;) Tai tiek šiam kartui. Puikaus savaitgalio!!!

Photos by Carmen

how to style a boyfriend sweater
styling a boyfriend sweater
how to style a boyfriend sweater
ripped jeans and autumn boots

Chunky Scarf x Autumn Boots

EN   I've already started taking out winter boots and scarfs from my closet, because it's about that time. I just love the feeling of wrapping around my neck a huge chunky scarf. It feels so warm and cozy and it can brighten any outfit. This week was a chilly one. So all I wanted to do is to get all wrapped up in the blanket, have someone serve a cup of hot tea and just not move. Of course, my wish didn't come true (how come? hm ;), but it's okay, it was a nice and productive week after all. Now I am looking forward to the even greater weekend. Enjoy yours! Talk to you on Monday!


LT   Aš jau po truputį pradėjau traukti iš spintos žieminius/ rudeninius batus ir šalikus, nes juk jau pats metas tai daryti. Dievinu tą jausmą, kai apsuki kelis kartus didelį ir šiltutėlį šaliką aplink kaklą. Būna taip šilta ir kartu labai jauku, o beto toks šalikas visuomet gali paįvairinti bet kokį derinuką. Ši savaitė čia buvo viena iš vėsenių, tad tesinorėjo įsisukti į šiltą pleduką, dar norėjosi kad kas nors vis atneštų karštos arbatos puodelį ir taip visą laiką nejudėti. Žinoma, mano noras neišsipildė kaip bebūtų keista (šypt), bet nieko tokio, nes šiaip ar taip ši savaitė praėjo gerai ir produktyviai. O dabar laukiu dar ir puikaus savaitgalio. Tokio palinkėsiu ir jums! Ir iki pasimatymo pirmadienį!

September Beauty Favorites

EN   This is going to be the smallest monthly favorites post ever and very french'y, because all these four items are made in France. Let's see what are these amazing items that are worth mentioning!!


LT   Tai bus mano trumpiausias mėnesio mėgstamiausiųjų daiktų įrašas ever ir labai toks prancūziškas, nes visi produktai pagaminti būtent Prancūzijoje. Tad nieko nelaukus kviečiu pasižiūrėti, kas yra tie šaunieji/gerieji dalykėliai, nusipelnę paminėjimo šiandien!!

NINA RICCI L'EXTASE perfume. I divide my perfumes into summer and winter scents. When the weather is getting colder, I naturally switch to my "heavier" perfumes. And this Nina Ricci L'extase belongs to the second category. I won't even try to describe it, as you know already I suck at doing that. All I can say that this perfume was inspired by a woman's erotic fantasies. Interesting fact. I didn't know that until I just googled it to try to describe the scent. I guess this little observation of mine should help you to imagine the scent... or not :))) Anyways, it's a very nice perfume. I have to thank my friend Nadine for this amazing birthday gift, loooove it :))

L'OREAL Miracle Repair nail polish for damaged nails. This is a magical thing. This is the best base coat and everything else included. Seriously. I had problems with my nails. They were weak and chipping all the time, so my friend Carmen recommended this L'oreal product and I couldn't be happier about this. It really works magic. The whole month of September I was applying and reapplying it on my nails and all I can say that it helped my nails so much. They are strong and they don't chip and break that much like before. Highly highly recommend you if you are having issues with your nails!

ELISSANCE Lipgloss GLO004. I got this lipgloss in one of the Pochette de Janette and I've already shared my opinion about it. This is such a gorgeous color that lasts a long long time. Though it has a bit weird taste, for me it's like a taste of the soil, but the color itself and the lasting conquers everything else. Gorgeous!

KINETICS Cuticle Essential Oil (almond). This is my my holy grail product. I don't fall asleep and I don't leave home without applying it first on my nails. It helps my cuticles to stay moisturized and not dry and that's a secret to a nice and longer lasting manicure.

I hope you enjoyed or found something new and useful in this teeny tiny post!!! :))

Little Blue Dress

EN   The moment of truth: these photos were supposed to be published last fall when I had a photo session with Anouk. But somehow it ended up being late to publish them with an autumn'ish background in the winter season, then spring and finally in the summer, so here we have them one year later and finally an appropriate season for them to be posted :) Apparently, my post schedule planning wasn't the most efficient, oh well it happens... I have to tell you guys how much I loved and still love the result, especially these yellow leaves. They complement my dark outfit in a best possible way. Seriously, and I say that autumn is not a great season??? I'm changing my mind!!  

Speaking about the dress, it's oldie, but goodie from Stradivarius. From the front it looks so smooth and neat, you would even say maybe a little bit boring, but when you turn around, baaam,  here we have a gorgeous cut in the back with few buttons going down. You might even confuse the back with the front. At that time when I bought this dress (so so long ago) I really felt in love with this cut, so I got the same dress in a beige color too. But somehow the blue one ended up being my favorite. When you are searching for a dress, try to look for it with fun details, it could be anything like a cut, lace, little cute belt, because it really makes your dress more interesting and eye catcher.


LT   Išaušo tiesos metas: šios nuotraukos turėjo pasiekti blogą jau praėjusį rudenį, kai darėme fotosesiją su Anouk. Tačiau koją pakišo mano nevisiškai efektyvus įrašų publikavimo planavimas ir galiausiai būtų buvę kvaila kelti nuotraukas su rudenisku fonu žiemos sezonu, vėliau pavasario bei vasaros.. Na štai taip ir sulaukė šis įrašas sekančio rudens. Et, juk visko pasitaiko... Labai džiaugiausi ir džiaugiuosi rezultatu, nes tie geltoni lapai man už nugaros kuo puikiausiai išryškina tamsių spalvų derinuką. Ir aš dar aiškinu, kad ruduo yra ne toks jau smagus sezonas...Vargeli... Keičiu savo nuomonę tuoj pat!!!

Kalbant apie suknelę, tai ji senulė, bet gerulė iš Stradivariaus. Iš priekio daili, tvarkinga suknutė, gal netgi pasakytum kiek nuobodoka, bet štai sau imi ir atsuki nugarą ir atsiskleidžia visas netikėtas grožis. Nuostabus iškirpimas, kelios žemyn keliaujančios sagutės ir pamanytum, kad tai turėtų būti priekis, bet ne, štai kur įdomumas. Man taip patiko šis modelis, kad įsigijau kartu ir kitos šviesios spalvos modeliuką, tačiau vis vien mėlyna labiausiai prilipo. Tad patarimas ieškančioms suknelės, ieškokite visuomet su bent kažkokia smagesne detale, ar tai įdomesnis kirpimas/iškirptė, ar tai nėriniuota detalė, o gal netikėtas dirželis. Visa tai paįvairins jūsų suknelę ir atrodys įdomiai bei akį traukiančiai!

Photos by Anouk