The desire to bake a treat was haunting me for a while. So on Sunday afternoon I got down to work. I found this curd - cheese cake's recipe in lithuanian magazine and I was looking at it with an idea: "soon soon I will bake you, soon" :) I was happy with the result, family ate almost all at once, and the conclusion was: "you can bake again" :) As a green light was given, now I can write this recipe into my the best recipes book. Warning - sweet! So you can put less sugar, but for likerish it's just perfect :) Let's try to bake?
Tešla / Pastry:
- 120g sviesto/butter
- 100g cukraus/sugar
- 2 tryniai/yolks
- 1/2 arbat.š. kepimo miltelių/teaspoon of baking powder
- 200g miltų/flour
- 1 valgomasis šaukštas kakavos/spoon of cacao
- žiupsnelis druskos/a pinch of salt
- 180g varškės/curd
- 250g rikotos/ricotta
- 180g maskarponės/mascarpone
- 2 pakelių grietinėlės skonio pudingo/ packs of cream taste pudding
- 200 ml kokosų pieno grietinėlės/coco milksour cream
- 3 kiaušinių baltymai/the whites of the egg
- 150g cukraus/sugar
- žiupsnelis druskos/a pinch of salt
- Šaltą sviestą stambiai sutarkuojam ir sumaišom su cukrumi, druska. Suberiam miltus, kepimo miltelius ir viską gerai išmaišome. Sudedam trynius ir minkom tešlą. Kepimo formą išklojam kepimo popieriumi ir išlipdom tešlą. Formą padedamį šaldytuvą.
- Išmaišom varškę, maskarponę, rikotą, druską, cukrų mikseriu. Sudedam trynius. Pudingą išmaišom su kokosų pieno grietinėle ( kadangi šiosios neradau, tai naudojau tiesiog kokosų pieną, taip pat man norėtųsi vieno pakelio pudingo, nes mano skoniui du buvo per daug), įmaišom į varškės masę, o šią iki putų išplatus baltymus. Viską supilam ant tešlos ir kepam 160 °C apie 1-1,20 val. Dekoruojam arba kakava, arba cukraus pudra, arba abiem.
- Grate cold butter and mix it with sugar, salt. Put flour, baking powder and stir everything well. Put the yellows of the egg and knead the the pastry. Lay baking paper in the baking form and put nicely the pastry. Now put the whole form into the fridge.
- Mix the curd, mascarpone, ricotta, salt and sugar with the mixer. Put the yolks. Mix pudding with the coconut milksour cream (in this case I used regular coconut milk, because I couldn't find the cream, and also the next time I would put only one packet of pudding, because it was too much of it for my taste), add to the curd mass and this to the well stirred proteins. Pour everything on the pastry and bake 160 °C for 1-1,20 h. Decorate with cocoa or icing sugar, or both.
- Bon appetit!
- M...