Šį kartą lavašą su pikantiškomis salotomis pasidariau SAU :) reikėjo kažką užkąsti, tad nusprendžiau, kad šita lengvai ir greitai paruošiama užkandėlė puikiai tiks. Jokiu išradingumu aš čia nieko nenustebinsiu, ir taip aišku, bet vis vien nusprendžiau pasidalinti :)
- Lavašas;
- Fermentinis sūris;
- 2 kiaušiniai;
- Česnakiukas;
- Pipiriukai;
- Majonezas (Hellmans mėlynas skaniausias).
Kiaušinukus išverdam kietai ir supjaustom, sūrį sutarkuojam, sukapojam česnakiuką, viską sumaišom su majonezu ir pipiriukais ir dedam ant lavašo, kurį poto susukam ir pasipjaustom. Voila :) easy schmeasy :)
Somehow I miss a little bit of the consistency in my blog, so I decided to create the first permanent column, called "Saturday - we cook" ( I really hope that I will be able to maintain the stability. Fingers crossed :) This heading will include everything I prepare when my cooking muse appears. It's difficult to understand when she is more likely to come and when dissappears. I like to cook, but I like to do it with some purpose like to surprise family with a nice dinner (which, unfortunately, happend rarely, but from time to time it does :) or to please friends with tasty snacks, but the desire to cook something special for myself comes veeery seldom. I prefer to pamper others more :) don't worry, I indulge myself quite a lot in other ways :)
This time the lavash with the piquant salads I made for MYSELF. I needed to eat something, so I decided that this easily done snack is just perfect. I won't suprise anyone here, that's for sure, but still I wanted to share :)
- Lavash;
- Cheese;
- 2 eggs;
- 1 piece of garlic;
- Peppers;
- Mayonnaise.
Boil eggs hard, then slice them. Grate the cheese, cut the garlic. Mix everything in a bowl with mayo, peppers and place onto the lavash, then wrap it and slice in small pieces. Voila :) easy schmeasy :)
labai skanu :)) mano kambabrioke dar labaiskaniai dare tokius suktinukus su lasisa, tepamu sureliu ir agurkais :))
Kur mano raktai?
Esu dariusi su tunu, salotu lapais, paprika, pomidoriuku, majonezu, tai irgi skanu. Zodziu, galima beleko privynioti :) gal butu galima tikslesni recepciuka suzinoti? nes jauciu, kad ne tik lasisa ir agurkas buvo, truksta slapto ingrediento man cia :-))