EN I have a pretty large arsenal of nail polishes, but every season I like to get few new shades, because I tend to get bored quite easily of all colors I already own. Plus, the sun hasn't been making a lot of an appearance lately, so what could boost the spring mood more than few colorful purchases. Besides, neat and rosy or peachy nails always give that smile of satisfaction and a good feeling in general. It always makes me feel better! Always.
LT Aš turiu sukaupusi pakankamai didelį nagų lakų arsenalą, tačiau keičiantis kiekvienam sezonui visuomet norisi kažko naujo, šviežio ir pakeliančio nuotaiką. Be to, juk taip greitai pabosta turimi nagų lakai, o dar kai saulė nelepina savo spinduliais pastaruoju metu, tai kas geriau gali bent šiek tiek sužadinti tą pavasarinę nuotaiką jei ne keli nauji, šviesūs pirkiniai. Žiūrint į gražiai sutvarkytus ir rausvus ar persikinius nagus, norom nenorom veide atsiranda pasitenkinimo šypsenėlė. Man taip visuomet būna. Visuomet.
My second choice was L'oréal "Dimanche après-midi" from their new nail polish collection enriched with oils to give intense color and shine. I wanted to try this one since I saw these nail polishes appearing more and more in a blogging world. I really like the pastel rose color, two coats are enough to get a nice result, unfortunately I am not very convinced with a formula in general. I applied it and the same day few nails chipped... I am not sure if it's nail polish itself that doesn't last or that I had applied anti brittle serum on my nails before applying L'oréal polish. I will try again and I will see how it will go this time.
Now you tell me what is your favorite shade for spring/summer season??? Or have you tried one of these nail polishes I got??
I am wearing peachy nails this week too, used Catrice nail polish. I love Essie as well, they stay long, expecially when using top coat.