Beef Stir Fry

LT   Kodėl gi nepradėjus spalio mėnesio su skaniu ir lengvai paruošiamu patiekalu? Aš visuomet esu už gardžią vakarienę, už daržoves ir jautieną, o dar viskas, kas susiję su Wok reikalais, tai išvis hands down, negaliu atsispirti. Pastaruoju metu įkvėpimas gaminti yra visu pajėgumu išbujojęs, tad naudojuosi šiuo pakilimu ir leidžiu sau paeksperimentuoti ir išbandyti naujus receptus. Taip jau yra su manimi, pastoviai norisi išbandyti kažką vis nauja. Ir vieną vakarą, kai vėl pagaminau dar negamintą patiekalą, susimąsčiau, kad iš tiesų neturiu to vieno vienintelio, pavadinkim savo firminio, patiekalo, nes pastoviai turiu susidėjusi krūvas naujų receptų ir vis to paties nesinori gaminti. Kaip visuomet bandžiau paanalizuoti, ar čia gera savybė ar ne, tačiau galiausiai mečiau šį reikalą, nes vienaip ar kitaip, būtų nuėjęs netinkama linkme, žinot, kaip su tom analizėm būna... Geriau grįžkim prie šiandieninio patiekalo. Buvo labai skanu, verdiktas: galima (netgi būtina) gaminti antrą kartą, tik įdomu, kada jis ateis :)) Tikrai lengvai paruošiamas recepčiukas, kai norisi ko nors įdomesnio, bet neįmantraus. Jei išbandysit, norėčiau išgirsti atsiliepimus!


EN   Why not start month of October with tasty and easy to prepare dish? I am always in for delicious homemade dinner, for vegetables and beef, and when all of this is related with Wok, oooh hands down, I can not resist. Recently, my inspiration to cook has been fully blooming, so I try to use this elevation as much as possible to try new recipes. That's how I am, constantly desiring to try something new. So one evening, after preparing untried recipe, I started to think and I realized that I don't have that The One dish, one traditional dish of mine, because I am always craving to prepare something new and I am always surrounded by bunches of recipes marked 'to try'. So it got me thinking and analyzing if it's a good thing or not, luckily I caught myself in this action and stopped it right away, because you know analyzing things never leads you to good direction and conclusions :)) Anyways, let's return to the main topic here: beef stir fry. It was delicious, definitely needs to be prepared again, just no idea when the time will come, hehe :)) If you are into delicious and easy prepared dinner one day, so this recipe is for you! Hope you will try it and let me know!

Beef Stir Fry ( prime inspiration from you tuber Beauty Crush, adapted by me)
  • 300g quality steak, thinly sliced in stripes
  • 1 red pepper, deseeded and finely sliced in stripes
  • 1 big carrot, finely sliced in stripes
  • 100g mangetout
  • 100g soja sprouts
  • 2 garlic cloves, peeled and chopped
  • 4 spring onions, finely sliced
  • 100g broccoli
  • 1 little bunch fresh coriander, roughly chopped
  • Olive oil
  • Sesame oil
  • 2 tablespoons fish sauce
  • 3 tablespoons Wok sauce or Teriyaki sauce
  • 2 tablespoons soja sauce
  • pinch of 5 Chinese peppers
  • pinch of salt

Heat a large Wok pan or a frying pan. Add olive oil and stir - fry beef with garlic until just cooked. Transfer beef to a bowl and leave it aside.
Heat the Wok over high heat, add some sesame oil, add broccoli, carrot, red pepper, mangetout and stir - fry for a couple of minutes. Then add soja sprouts, spring onions and return beef to the pan. Add liquid ingredients, pinch of peppers, salt and stir - fry until heated through. Add coriander and toss until well mixed. Taste it and, if needed, season to perfection. Can be served alone or with rice. 

Leave a Comment

  1. It looks really delicious! Very nice photos too!

    1. Thank you so much, Anouk!!! It was delicious ;)

  2. 'Lengvai paruosiamas recepciukas' greit virto i sudetinga, kai perzvelgiau iiiiiilga indridientu sarasa :) Bet i6nuotrauu atrodo labai viliojanciai...Ir sveikai!

    1. Judita, tikrai tikrai lengvas, na tik tas produktu sarasas gal gasdinantis, bet cia gali atsirinkti, ka deti, ko ne!! Tikrai sveikai ir skaniai, pabandyki!!! ;))

  3. This looks really yummy and sounds like a recipe we could try at home! Because my mum is on a special diet where you eat either meat and fish with vegetables or carbs with vegetables so this would be the first option and thus perfect for her :)

    1. Yes, it's very easy to try and in my opinion it is friendly with diets, maybe just not so sure about the teriyaki sauce, because it might have too many calories if its important to count them in the diet. But if you and your mum tries, let me know!!!! :))

    2. Calories don't matter in the diet she does but I guess we would rather try it with chicken as I prefer that :D

  4. Padariau klaidą, kad darbe atsiverčiau šį postą, o iki pietų dar valandą laukti...
    Atrodo labai skaniai!
    Aš beje ir turiu wok maniją ir niekad negaliu atsispirti.
    Liuks receptas :)

  5. Tikiuosi, Ieva, istverei!! ;))) Dekui!!

  6. Very nice recipe. Thanks for sharing it!
