Gift Guide For Her

Christmas gift guide for her
EN  18 days till Christmas. Woohoo! I started making lists and thinking about gifts in early November. I like to enjoy the process, do everything without pressure, that's why I started earlier. But for those who leave gift shopping for the last minute or for those who struggle choosing presents, I decided to create a little gift guide. Actually, it's my very first gift guide on the blog and I couldn't imagine myself enjoying that much while creating it. I got so flown away and now I am very in creating another gift guide for you. There are so many beautiful and useful things you could give for your loved ones! All you need just really take time to think about the person to who you will give the gift, to know what she/he would enjoy, and then just choose it with your heart! I hope this post will be helpful for you! Oooh boy, I have to admit that for me this post is very dangerous, because now I want absolutely everything what I put in this Gift Guide For Her :)))


LT   18 dienų iki Kalėdų. Vuhuuhuuuu! Sudarinėti dovanėlių sąrašus ir galvoti apie jas jau pradėjau lapkričio pradžioje. Dievinu, kai galiu ramiai sau, be jokio streso viską apgalvoti ir viską laiku pasiruošti. O šiandien aš nusprendžiau su jumis pasidalinti nedidelu Kalėdinių dovanų idėjų įrašu. Čia tiems, kurie mėgsta atidėti viską paskutinei minutei arba tiems, kuriem trūksta minčių, ką čia po eglute savo artimiesiems pakišus. Tai yra pirmas tokio tipo įrašas mano bloge, galit patikėti?? Ir iš tiesų, net nesitikėjau, kad mane jo ruošimas taip įtrauks. Dabar sėdžiu ir visko, ką sudėliojau, noriu pati. Štai kaip būna :)) Tiek daug gėrio galima padovanoti savo brangiausiems. Svarbu nepasimesti ir ramiai, atidžiai  pagalvoti apie tą žmogų, kuriam renkam dovaną, kad tikrai būtų džiuginantis, naudingas daiktas. Štai ką šiais metais galėtume gražiai supakuoti ir paslėpti po eglute:

1. FUJIFILM INSTAMAX MINI 8 is a perfect gift for a girl who loves to capture funny moments. This is such a cute, practical gift and the most important, this little device always make people gather together and do silly things. Polaroid is always so much fun!

2. SCARF In my opinion, this is a perfect and very useful gift. When it's cold outside, you always need a scarf, so why not to give it to your friend/mother/sister so that they would always feel warm and cozy. In case you are not sure what kind of style to gift, so then simply stick to the neutral palette, like white, grey or black.

3. BATH PRODUCT like this from Laura Mercier. This particular bath is on the more expensive side, but hey it's better one good gift than ten shitty (sorry for the word) things. However, there are other options, like Lush bath bombs or other companies. It's just the idea! Plus, make sure you know that your friend has a bath tube, just in case :)))

4. ICE WATCH is a gorgeous gift for your friend Fashionista. Especially their new winter glitter collection. So beautiful!!!

5. LANCOME DOLL LOOK KIT or any other beauty kit for a girl who likes make up things. Besides, Christmas is a nice opportunity to get people what they would normally hesitate to buy (meaning something a bit more on the chic side :) )

6. ACCESSORIES We girls can never have enough of them, right? This beautiful neckless is from Lithuanian accessories creator TOMA ACCESSORIES. Such a beautiful, girly, romantic gift!

7. BOWL is a great gift for a girl who loves everything home decor/kitchen related. If you buy a little bowl, so why not to fill it up with candies. It will make a gift even cuter!

8. BLANKET this particular one is from Zara home. I mean it's such a well thought gift, don't you think? You could add some tea, a mug to this gift and here you have a perfect 'Survive winter' gift!!!

9. CANDLES like this Black Orchid candle from ARCHIPELAGO BOTANICALS. A-ma-zing scent, a-ma-zing quality!!! P.S. pagaliau šios firmos žvakės yra pasiekiamos ir Lietuvos pirkėjams, labai labai džiaugiuosi, kad ir pas mus vis po truputį atsiranda tokių gėrių. Nuostabiai kvepiančių ir nuostabios kokybės žvakių galite rasti Candelaria butike Vilniuje.

You see how many beautiful gifts we can gift for our loved ones and of course, let's not forget ourselves too!! ;))) Have you already started making gift lists??? Or are you the person that leaves it for the last minute????

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  1. I wouldn't mind receiving the camera and the Lancôme kit.

