All 2015 Outfits

EN   Merry Christmas everyone!! I really hope you are having a great time! I am very happy about all the festivities, though I'm missing snow, but what can we do about it.. 2015 is almost over, few more days and new year, new resolutions will come. As you have noticed, I don't like to share too much of personal things on my blog, but it's been a challenging year for me. Sometimes it was very difficult, sometimes easier, I could describe it as a roller coaster, but I always try to tell myself that every experience, every mistake I make makes me grow, makes me stronger and only this way I can learn. Sometimes it's not easy, but in general it was challenging and good year at the same time. I am looking forward to 2016. It will try my best in making it a good year! 

Today it will be the last post of 2015. I am very happy that this year I got to fulfill one of my blog goals: to do more style posts. I succeeded and I have to thank to everyone who took my photos and who was very patient with me. Big thank you!!!!! So today I decided to gather all my 2015 outfits in one place. I hope you will like this little recap. I am having my holidays, I am going home to Lithuania and I want to be there to the fullest, so I decided to take a break from blog too.


LT   Su šventėmis visi!! Labai tikiuosi, kad jas leidžiate gražiai ir jaukiai! Aš labai džiaugiuosi visomis šiomis šventėmis, nors trūksta sniegučio iki pilnos laimės, bet et, ką mes dėl to galime padaryti?.. 2015-ieji jau beveik baigėsi, kelios dienos ir nauji metai, nauji tikslai, naujos viltys jau čia. Manau, jau pastebėjote, kad nelabai leidžiuosi į asmeninius dalykus savo bloge, bet galiu pasakyti, kad šie metai man buvo pilni naujų iššūkių. Kartais buvo velniškai sunku, kartais lengviau, beveik kaip amerikietiški kalniukai, tačiau aš sau visuomet stengiuosi sakyti, kad kiekviena patirtis, kiekviena klaida padeda augti, sustiprina ir tik tokiu būdu aš galiu išmokti daug dalykų. Nepaisant iššūkių, kuriuos, beje, įveikiau, šie metai buvo kupini ir daug gražių ir laimingų momentų. Laukiu 2016-ųjų ir stengsiuosi, padaryti juos dar vienais gerais metais.

O šiandien bus paskutinis 2015-ųjų įrašas. Džiaugiuosi, kad šiais metais pavyko įgyvendinti vieną iš blogo tikslų: daugiau stiliaus įrašų. Man pavyko!! Ir dėl to turiu padėkoti visiems, kurie darė mano nuotraukas ir buvo kantrūs. Tad didelis ačiū!! Šiame įraše rasite visus mano 2015-ųjų derinukus. Tikiuosi jums bus įdomus šis nedidelis priminimas, nes man buvo labai smagu pažiūrėti, kaip vystėsi mano stilius. Na o dabar aš neriu į atostogas, greiti keliausiu namo į Lietuvą. Noriu pilnai pasidžiaugti tuo laiku, tad nusprendžiau kad mažytė pertrauka bloginime bus pats tas.












Thank you again for coming to my blog, reading, leaving a comment and simply sticking around! See you next year!!!
Didelis ačiū Jums, kad užsukate į blogą, kad skaitote ir paliekate komentarus! O dabar sakau: iki susitikimo naujuose metuose!!!

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  1. Wooooooonnnnner,]__<Wonnnnerschéin!!!! Soooooooo Beauuuuuuutiiiifuuuuuul!!!! meng Zockerpopp!!!! Ah what a great Idea!!!! :)))))))))) With all the photos from different Months!!!!! :) I prefer last Picture!!!! Amazing the outfit!!!!!!, also the picture in the City where you put on glasses, also Summer Pictures :) all Photos are special and amazing!!! Great My Dear!!! :))) beautiful your text!! Yes True:--- In Life happen positiv and negativ things, but everything will be ok, We have to think positiv! Positiv Mind!! good company, Positivity,,xx Enjoying Life, Happiness! I have a very good Feeling that 2016 will be a great Year for you Monika! you are a very positiv Persoun, you have made a lot of Challenges!! and I wish you the best for future and always GOOD in Life!!! I don't know how 2016 will be, But I will also try to make it Best and more positiv like 2015. With you it just can be Great!!! :) Thank you for the great monents in this year!! It was not very easy...But you gave me good Energy and always Positivity! :) You are Great!!! Thank you for 2015!! Of course in 2o16 :)..We will see us agaaaain! I hope you read this befOre you leave in Lituania :) Enjoy Lituania and Time with Familia ! :) Also apologize that I could not spend this year a lot of Time at your wonderful Blog :((( Next year one of my Promises I will visit it more often!!!! :))) Merry Merry Meeeeeerryyyyyyy Christmas Megaaaaaaa Léift Monika!!!!!!!!!! :)))))) kussssssiiiiiii, ich liebe dich du wunderbarer Lieblingsmensch :)))))) <3 :)

  2. Tau taip pat gražių ir skanių švenčių :) Gerai paatostogauk, o mes lauksim sugrįžtant!


  3. I truly enjoyed all of your pictures and I'm so happy we could take some of these together. I wish you merry, merry Christmas together with your family and I hope 2016 will become your best year yet! Can't wait to see you again lovely <3

  4. Nice outfits!! Merry Christmas!!! If you want, we can to follow each other on bloglovin! Just follow me here and I'll follow you back! ♥

  5. Sveikinu su sventemis ir linkiu daug neblestanciu ideju 2016 metais!
